Linkedln Hashtag Trend
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Click on any of the top 10 hashtags below to see its performance over time.
Top 10 Most Searched LinkedIn Hashtags
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Updated every Monday, 12:00am UTC.
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With our LinkedIn Hashtag Trend dashboard, you’ll always know the latest top LinkedIn hashtags and how they perform over time.
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"What LinkedIn hashtags are trending?"
"What hashtags do LinkedIn power users incorporate in their posts to make them go viral?"
LinkedIn Hashtag Trend
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How do I choose a good hashtag for LinkedIn?
Rule of thumb: Moderation is key.
- Follower counts: 5,000 – 30,000 followers
- Number of hashtags: 3 per LinkedIn post
- Type of hashtags: Use a mixture of broad and niche hashtags
Overusing hashtags on LinkedIn makes it harder for the LinkedIn algorithm to index your content.
In other words, LinkedIn gets confused about which hashtag to prioritise.
As such, there’s no significant difference in reach when you use more than three.
Warning: Views might even drop when you overuse hashtags.
The bottom line here?
Use a mixture of broad and niche hashtags.
Save time searching for LinkedIn hashtags relevant to your niche by downloading LinkedIn Hashtag Analytics.
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