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Engage AI for HubSpot

Leverage ChatGPT comments for LinkedIn directly on HubSpot.

Engage AI augments comments for you to engage prospects on LinkedIn.

Connect your HubSpot account to Engage AI, an AI technology that provides meaningful comment suggestions so you can engage more prospects to convert.

Combine clear insights from HubSpot’s CRM and this relationship-building strategy to keep your sales pipeline moving.

Getting Started

install engage ai
install engage ai app from hubspot’s marketplace.
hubspot edit to add columns
hubspot confirm new columns
hubspot enable nurturing for selective prospects
hubspot bulk editing to enable nurturing
hubspot update new changes to contacts
hubspot add linkedin profile

You can now view your contact’s Timeline on HubSpot to see their recent posts.

hubspot direct link to post


  • It’s a way to show up in front of your prospects
  • For the time and effort you put in, you show that you are genuinely interested in their content
  • You can show thought leadership and subsequently appear more credible

The most recent post from the time of the data retrieval will be within 7 days.

For instance, you’d like Engage AI to scrape data only on Tuesdays. If your lead’s last post were on the Monday of the previous week, your search result would come back with no recent posts. Engage AI will display the three most recent posts for every prospect at one time.

HubSpot is a powerful CRM that allows you to gain high-level insights into your leads, including where they are in the buying journey.

This in-depth data from HubSpot allows you to make the best decisions efficiently, so you can convert them from leads to paying customers.

With Engage AI for HubSpot, a lead’s status is irrelevant. Whether it’s a cold or hot lead, it’s an actionable strategy that takes only several clicks so you can appear more frequently in front of your prospects.

Visit your lead’s LinkedIn profile homepage.

On the homepage, you’ll find their LinkedIn URL in the web address bar.

Engage Prospects and Clients at Scale

Start monitoring and nurturing multiple leads with quality, AI-driven engagement.