© Engage AI 2025. All rights reserved.
Kevin Williams: [00:00:00] All right, so we’re going to welcome you to the how to skyrocket your LinkedIn page. And this evening, you’re going to opportunity to understand the basic foundation of what your LinkedIn profile should look like. And then from that point, we’re going to segue into this particular AI tool that’s called engage AI that has grown my following from five, it was either five or 10.
Kevin Williams: To close to 2000 now in the past, four to five months let me just go ahead and do a share screen and go directly to LinkedIn now one of one of the things that I initially did when I you know, create this linkedin page Is I just again, I just had a presence I had You know what you see now that none of that was there I didn’t [00:01:00] even completely fill out the LinkedIn page.
Kevin Williams: I just did enough to, again, to have a presence. And that is probably why, most people didn’t connect with me or follow me because it wasn’t enough. But then when I started thinking about how we work with people offline, as it relates to networking events. And effective, clear, concise, effective communication.
Kevin Williams: And I said to myself, I said, Kevin, if you’re teaching this offline, does it not apply online? And, of course, I said, yes. Now, I don’t always talk. I don’t always answer myself. Sometimes it’s talking. I don’t answer that particular time. I said, yeah, that makes sense. And so I really started taking a deep dive into LinkedIn, and then later I was introduced to the Engage AI.
Kevin Williams: And so when I merged clear, concise, effective communication [00:02:00] with this AI tool, that’s when the explosion happened. But if you notice my, my cover profile typically is going to showcase Me doing, speaking events, workshops and stuff like that. Does yours have to showcase that? If you’re doing it, it’s great for people to come here and say, okay.
Kevin Williams: There are, it’s obvious he’s a speaker or, he’s doing some type of workshop. The picture profile, I think it should be very very distinct. It shouldn’t be anything that is going to distract the person who goes to your page to be looking elsewhere when they should be focusing on you, the image.
Kevin Williams: And if you also notice right here, this little slight introduction, and you can go right here. To edit, but most people they put all their, what it is that they do, right? My introduction is going to always be you focus. It’s helping you [00:03:00] overcome public speaking fear Perfect your elevator pitch and craft your signature story be remembered be repeated and get rehired That is speaking to the person who’s reading that Not I do this.
Kevin Williams: I do that. I have this certification like that’s not speaking to the person that’s speaking to you, but it’s not speaking to the person that’s reading it. And so if you notice right here again, at 1 point, that was only 5 to 10 followers right there. So I’m currently at 1567 followers. 500 plus connections and if you go down where it says the about, this is another place where people make the mistake and they build their about all about them.
Kevin Williams: If someone is reading your about, should they read it to where it says, man, it feels like they’re talking about me. [00:04:00] My about is number one public speaking master. We specialize number two, effective communication coaching, our coaching, focuses on developing clear, concise, impactful messages.
Kevin Williams: Number three, unlocking networking opportunities. Like I’m giving them the bullet points. Of what it is that our company does and it’s not all this about, You know, I graduated cum laude all that most even if you’re not a an entrepreneur or business owner And even if you’re someone who is a career professional even when those Recruiters are you know looking at your page and they’re reading about when they’re reading there about it should be as if You’re saying i’m the person to hire You
Kevin Williams: So that’s a little bit about the About course. I got, I filled in all the services. I’ve completed a lot of the [00:05:00] features, the activity. I have all my videos and things here. So when people come here to check me out they, I have basically completed the entire LinkedIn profile.
Kevin Williams: So it really can resonate with the people that’s going to come to my page and say, Hey, you know what? It’s obvious that this guy is a storytelling speaking coach and he worked with us or work with, he will work with me on clear, concise, effective communication. So let me just pause for a second and Booker T what’s some feedback or some takeaways you got just from that piece of it there?
Guest 1: So the first thing I thought about was going back to my profile and saying, oh, you’re right. To review my profile, my opening statement about, is it I statements or is it you statements, right? So that helps because the attention span for people are very short. You need to get straight to the point and show [00:06:00] them how you can benefit them.
Guest 1: So that’s the key thing that stood out to me about that. And then how you have, speaking coach. It says it’s exactly what it is you doing. And then the photo that the diversity in the photo that’s behind it speaks a whole lot. It’s just not that you’re with one segment group you’re for anybody that has a challenge in communication as it relates to speaking.
Kevin Williams: I’m gonna show you a real quick. Someone else that has a really nice cover photo. And, it’s obviously, she has worked with me because. Just when you see it. Okay. And this is angel. So angel is a relationship guide and licensed counselor, professional counselor. Now, if you notice her cover photo is very clean, it’s very crisp and in the wording, because we read from left to right.
Kevin Williams: What she [00:07:00] does is right there to the right, but it’s not busy. It’s not it’s too much to look at. It is easy on the eyes, but if you see her introduction, she goes, imagine a life where your relationships, including the one with yourself are thriving. I’m Angel Shaw and we are, she didn’t say I am.
Kevin Williams: She said, we are dedicated to helping you achieve that. Straight to the point. Wow. Straight to the point. It’s good. And then the last thing I want to show and then I want to just turn it over to Jason so we can get into the engage AI cause this is not going to be a long drawn out webinar, but the other thing that LinkedIn rewards us for is when we write articles right here.
Kevin Williams: You want to write at least one to two articles per week. The reason for [00:08:00] that is because LinkedIn loves when we’re educating the platform. And can either write an article on your personal page or you can have the article written on your business page. Now, for the most part, I write a lot of articles on my business page because it becomes more searchable when people are searching.
Kevin Williams: And when I initially started this page, I think I had three people following. And so right now I’m up to, 203 people following, and it’s because of the articles that I’m writing. And these are articles that’s really, engaging to people. What’s stopping your message from going viral?
Kevin Williams: All these different types of articles that, I have written is getting noticed. And so that’s the other thing that you want to, work on is writing articles about what it is that you provide that can give people results. All right. So Jason, I’m [00:09:00] going to pass this baton over to you and I’m going to make you the host.
Kevin Williams: And you can really, share with us the power of Engage ai.
Guest 2: Absolutely. Happy to take over. Lemme share my screen and I will also share a number of opinion. Exactly also what are the challenge a lot of people are sharing. So I am starting the screen right now.
Guest 2: Okay, sharing my screen and I am open up to LinkedIn.
Guest 2: And I want to ask the first problem that is probably obvious for [00:10:00] anyone. How many DM do you guys receive every single day on your LinkedIn trying to sell you something? And the first message that they send it to you is bye from me.
Guest 2: And I bet that we, you and I are not alone. Just imagine the people that we are trying to sell our services, right? I honor people, especially if they are the senior executive in the large enterprise. I talked to a lot of those people and they literally receive about a hundred every week easily. That’s crazy.
Guest 2: That is the number one problem. And why that is a problem? Because if you send the same DM, number one, it will be ignored because nobody wants [00:11:00] to be sold immediately. That is one. Number two, you are competing with thousands and thousands of people who are sending all these messages immediately into their DM, into their email every single day.
Guest 2: So you are competing for the attention and that is why your DM that is taught by all of those gurus is not working because you’re competing with so many people for the attention of your prospect, especially also when you are trying to send it immediately to try to sell something without building that no lie and trust relationship.
Guest 2: Why that is important Because the services that you and I provide, it costs thousands of dollars, if not tens of thousands of dollars. Nobody is going to see one DM and say, Hey Jason, take my money. Hey Jason, give me your calendar link. How do I buy your service? [00:12:00] That’s not gonna happen, right? We need to build a no light and trust relationship, and what is the best way to build that?
Guest 2: No light and trust relationship. In the least crowded space that get the attention of your prospect.
Guest 2: The magic is in the public post, in the content that they make. So just imagine if I am trying to get Kevin to buy my services, rather than sending him DM and email, every time he posts, I engage with him, I support him and I can do it easily at ease. So once you have installed the Engage AI Chrome extension, once you install the software, you can customize all of those tone.
Guest 2: I’ll come back to exactly [00:13:00] how to customize all of those tone. And you will see this little thing inside your LinkedIn because we embed ourselves right in there. You can customize all of these tone. And the minute that you press one of these button, it will work on the instruction that you have got, plus the content of this whole thing of the post itself, and come up a relevant, a contextual reply to this content based on your instruction.
Guest 2: So that is a really easy and quick way for you to engage with people. So the whole thing that I’m trying to say here is that don’t just simply say things like, Hey, great insight or thank you for sharing. You want to give them a little bit more. So that you are thoughtful, you underst, so that you are engaging, you reading them, and when you want to do that for a hundred people per day, [00:14:00] consistently every single day, and up nine to 10 time for all of them, this is the beauty of the AI coming into the picture because you can do it more effectively and.
Guest 2: Also, we a lot of productivity in place, right? But that is how engage AI work. And once you have up the comment for you you, I always will quickly go through what is suggested and then see, pick up a couple of points and then I will take some of them and I will use that as a comment. And all that done.
Guest 2: In less than 10 seconds. Alright. And the beauty of this is when you do it consistently enough, there are three things that usually will happen. They will like your comment, they will reply your [00:15:00] comment, or they will visit your profile. And when they visit your profile, this is the time when you want to put in all the practices that Kevin has just showed to you in optimizing your profile in a way that you want them to take the next step.
Guest 2: All right. So for example, this particular LinkedIn profile. So this profile is a AI, it’s not a real person. The face that you see there is not even a real person. You can find online on a website called this person does not exist. But the whole idea of what I’m trying to do here is really, I just want to catch the attention of my process because I’m selling a.
Guest 2: 30 subscription. So what I want them to do is that they would click this button here and also doing a lot of things that Kevin had say in your experience section and in your profile itself. But for me, the main thing is I want them to come [00:16:00] into this landing page so that I can get them into an email list so I can get them to understand what we do and how we do it.
Guest 2: Do it now. More importantly, is when you have consistently engage with them nine or 10 times, you want to notice one of those three things that happen. And when that happened, it isn’t the time for you to send them a DM or send them an email to continue the conversation by now. Typically, if they have like your conversation, your like your comment, reply to your comment, look into your profile, it means that they know your assistant, they know about you.
Guest 2: So all you do is a really great time to send them a DM, right? Because you already earned the right to DM them. You have earned and built that know and [00:17:00] trust relationship. So by the time you send them a DM, you could say, Hey, Jeb. I love what all of this coaching and the sales coaching that you are doing has been inspirational.
Guest 2: Do you do that every week? Ask them a simple question. Don’t go in and ask just some really complicated question when you first DM them. I’ll show you exactly where all this information are in just a second. But the whole idea, if you think about it, This whole thing that we do on LinkedIn is no different to what you and I are already doing at a networking event at the coffee shop, right?
Guest 2: Say for example, if I just bump into Kevin at a coffee shop at a networking event, My first question to you is that heaven great to see here, but what are you having? Is that long black? Is that Americano? That is a simple [00:18:00] question to get him started, right? Rather than say, Hey, Kevin, what do you think about that sales philosophy?
Guest 2: It’s too complicated. It’s
too complicated
Guest 2: that to the point that he may not even want to answer you. Because when he want to answer you to your question about the sales philosophy, he has, he want to look great. He want to look smart. He want to give you good answer. But equally, that means he have to put in a lot of effort in answering your question.
Guest 2: But you and he just met, he doesn’t even know anything about you. He doesn’t want to spend all of those efforts. And Wendy, it is all a lie. They would just like, you know what, this is just like another one of those DMs that try to send me something. I’m just going to ignore it. I don’t have energy, time for that.
Guest 2: So your first DM must be as simple as [00:19:00] possible. Ask them a question that they will literally just answer yes or no. When they give you the yes and no, that is how you build up your yes ladder to get them talking a little bit more, a little bit more. And that is how you build a conversation and relationship with your prospect.
Guest 2: Who is yet to know you, right? Now, where can you find some examples? I’ll show you exactly where to find it. But before that, I want to show you how you can quickly customize all of these tones. So if you click on it and click this plus sign and it will take you into our app. If you already, if you haven’t got an account, create an account and here is where you customize all the tones.
Guest 2: If you click on the pencil and then this is where you write all [00:20:00] the instructions. If you need help, click on DC documentation. Highly recommend these. And you will see there are two areas that you want to see. Number one, how to write a good quality tone using our framework. And, Basically, what it does is it shows you exactly how to write that.
Guest 2: Being the tone using a framework that we champion. It’s called Cold Start Framework. Basically, you want to say, hey, what is the context? What is the output? What is the objective here? What is the style that exactly in terms of the writing that you wanted to respond? What is the task? What is the audience of the assumption?
Guest 2: For example, is. For example, here is Hey, I am an AI with the expertise to assist SMB or then above it’s a LinkedIn phone. I would like to comment on the engage with the order. I have a, and then you also say that, Hey, I actually know this [00:21:00] person. So your comment can be a little bit casual and also professional, but you don’t have to be way too professional because we already know each other.
Guest 2: And these are the tasks that I want you to do, and this is the audience, and also, these are all the little things that I want you to pay extra attention to, less than 75 words, don’t use any emoji, don’t use hashtags, and when I ask you to do it again, I want you to give me new suggestions. So this is the way that we typically put together.
Guest 2: To write all of these tone and if you want some inspiration, you can see how I have already written some of the sample tone that you can actually just copy and paste and get started with a little bit of modification. So say, for example, here. This is about selling your services in a way that you [00:22:00] start selling your services.
Guest 2: So in here, I basically said that, Hey, I am a business owner with expertise in developing the AI solution for other enterprise. My niche is financial industry, especially insurance. And then all the things that I wanted to say as well as I have talked to them before. I also want to subtly say that keep a social proof, especially mentioning that you have repeatedly solved this problem for your client.
Guest 2: And say, respond to the comment, send them a DM with a white paper that they find helpful. Now, literally you can copy this whole thing, but then make some changes over some of these sentences that are more specific to your own profile, your business. And the things that feed your profile, right? [00:23:00] And there are so many other examples here that you can copy and paste again, but then with a little bit of changes.
Guest 2: Before I go too far, any questions so far? Did I sound about right, Kevin, about what you have been doing as well?
Kevin Williams: Yeah. Of course I can, once you finish, I’ll stay on here with Booker T to, show him my back office as well and how I created Tones and show him also in real time.
Kevin Williams: But these are things that I didn’t even know it was even back there. So I’m glad sharing this.
Guest 2: Wonderful. Now there are a few more things that I want to show you. Great. In the sleeve that you can use in the in this thing. Not everyone is posting on LinkedIn. That is the reality.
Guest 2: But when they do, you have a room to go in. You have opportunity to get in there. But what if people are not posting? That is still [00:24:00] opportunity to get in front of them. It’s update. Example. This one here. So let’s just pretend that my code doesn’t pose at all. I just pretend. Okay. So if you’re coming here, the pose activity is nothing, but I bet you my code comment on other people.
Guest 2: So if they don’t, if they do not make any content on LinkedIn, that is the opportunity to engage with these people by using the reply comment. So once you have this reply tone in your engaged AI account.
Guest 2: I think someone has just joined us. Erica. So I just admitted Erica. Hi, Erica.
Kevin Williams: She’s muted, but that’s [00:25:00] okay.
Guest 2: Yeah, I’m just going to continue. Yeah. Okay. So this is the reply for me. And you basically want to copy some of these and then make a bit of modification to fit your profile and in this blue area here you can choose one rather than all three so that’s why I say hey just use one of them but the whole idea is that If they have, if they do not post at all, you can still reply to them, right?
Guest 2: You can still say something that Michael is already saying about his code by using the reply comment. So the reply comment will look at these, also look at some of the comments. And it will come out a reply. So you see, that is just a different way
Guest 2: you can engage with the people beyond their own content.[00:26:00]
Kevin Williams: Wow. So I didn’t even know that, Jason, because there have been profiles that are established but they’re not posting. But I didn’t even know that we could, click over to comments and still engage them in comments. Thanks.
Guest 2: Now you do. Yeah. So those are the things. Yeah. And then there are another trick that I, of that is another thing that I often do is that, okay, this guy certainly posts a lot.
Guest 2: There are two completely different ways. There are two completely two angles that you can achieve with one thing. Say for example, I’m trying to get.
Guest 2: And here is one thing that I, I click a comment, I click this sorry, I haven’t built this one, [00:27:00] but this is what I want to show you. Report. Okay. I built this actually let’s do it right so I can, you guys Okay.
Guest 2: Done. Click refresh.
Kevin Williams: And the reason why Jason clicked refresh is because that new tone needs to be added. Correct.
Guest 2: I click comment, I click engage again. You see how the new post is now coming up. So when I click on it,
Guest 2: so it’s writing me some content for repost, right? You can cheat two, but with [00:28:00] one, one stone in one go. So what I would do is I copy that and I click the button repost and I paste it. And obviously I would change it a little bit. And then what I would add is credits. To
Guest 2: Michael sorry, I forgot. Michael, what? Michael Alexander. Yeah, Michael Alexander. Next, and
Guest 2: okay, this is no wrong on my job. So this is a bit careful, but let me finish that action. And I will explain to you what are we achieving over here?
Guest 2: Because I’m not a first level connection yet. That’s why it doesn’t come up immediately. So let’s [00:29:00] please bear with me. Just pretend that this is the micro election that I want to do. What exactly I am achieving here? We are engaging, sometimes our engaging can be seen like we are kissing ass. So this is something that you want to avoid in the comment, right?
Guest 2: So you don’t really want to show like you are kissing ass. But one thing that you can do is give compliment. And the best way to give compliment is actually to say that, Hey, I got this advice from Michael Alexander and sharing it because it’s really good. And credits to Michael Alexander.
Kevin Williams: That makes sense, Jason. And I’m gonna share with you why it makes so much sense. Again, LinkedIn want us to be engaging, networking creating content. And not so much. It’s just [00:30:00] us constantly posting on our page. Hoping that we get attention because that’s not how you warming up the algorithm.
Guest 2: Exactly. Exactly. That’s number one. Number two also is creating content for yourself from the scratch. It takes a lot of time, a lot of energy. And a lot of work. This is one simple way that you also can quickly create some content that is relevant to your audience. At the same time, you are building a relationship with another person in the space of love.
Guest 2: That is why I say that you hit two birds with one stone. But that is how repo work. So that is really one of the things that I think coolest thing that you can do. So this is the place that you can copy and also get inspiration for various different tone. Again, I say [00:31:00] you just change a little bit because I write these based on my profile.
Guest 2: Y’all right. Different. Now the other thing that I want to show you is how to send the first DM. So early on, I think Erica may have missed this, is that how you want to send a good DM. So if you come here, once you come into this Help, Engage Help Center, you can click on this book meeting and convert.
Guest 2: And.
Guest 2: This is basically the one that I want to show you out of our strategy for active personal outreach. So this is where I say, don’t send these message as your first message. I read your profile. I want to give you a complimentary call to discuss one burning question you have. My goodness. He just looked at my profile.
Guest 2: He already know what exactly the problem I have. They [00:32:00] must be really good. I know them. And this one is like, Oh, Jason the world is changing. Book a time in my calendar. I want to sell you my crap. I don’t give a shit. I get all of them. How do you continue? How do you send a DM? It’s like this.
Guest 2: Hey, Kevin. Great to connect. I saw that you were on this particular podcast. Love it. Did you enjoy it more than a normal interview? Yes and no question. It’s not like trying to be smart at all. Just get a yes so that you can build up that letter to book a meeting to get them into a talk. But your first two questions should be as simple as that, right?
Guest 2: So this is the way you can find example on how to send a DM. Okay. Did that answer your question? Now, I’m going to show you one more coolest thing that Engage [00:33:00] AI has got. If you are like Kevin, you already have a business that is running a few years. You are busy helping your client, you are busy helping them to make more, still you are serving your client.
Guest 2: But you and I know, Kevin and I, we still need to come to LinkedIn to do some prospecting every day or every week. But what is the problem when we come to LinkedIn? When we come here, I have to scroll, scroll, scroll, just to find Kevin. LinkedIn. You know what? I bet you, even I scroll for one hour, I would still not see Kevin over here.
Guest 2: Because whatever reason that the algorithm just simply dabbled on. I, you can say I’m going to click Kevin and I’m going to search for Kevin, right? And in this case, it’s still not showing me. [00:34:00] So I have to show all results. I have to do the filtering.
Guest 2: And I basically have to
Guest 2: I still can’t find it, but you know what that, that is fine. Let’s just pretend let’s try someone else. But that’s the problem with LinkedIn. It doesn’t solve it. So instead of that, what if I tell you there is a quick way to look at if Kevin is posting or not? It’s simply by clicking this button.
Guest 2: So when you install Engage AI, you can create multiple different leads. And for example, I’m going to add Xian into this particular list. And once I have added her into the list for monitoring, when I come back to Engage AI, I effectively save the profile [00:35:00] into the Engage AI system. And when you click, when I click on the prospect, you will see that there is a list of people that I have got Engage AI monitoring.
Guest 2: What that basically means is that Engage AI system will now go to each of these profiles every single day and check. Whether they have made a new post or not, and when they do, I will bring back all the posts into a single page for me to edit. So instead of scrolling forever, instead of search and check whether they post or not, every single day I just come in here.
Guest 2: And I will look at all of these people that I am monitoring. And I want to be the first to engage and I will quickly read the summary of the post, say, for example, this one. I don’t feel like I can connect with [00:36:00] it, so I’m going to ignore it. I’ll click the tick saying that. OK, I don’t want and I have engaged, but I actually don’t engage.
Guest 2: But OK, this one here. OK, this one makes sense. I want to engage with it. I click engage button. It takes me directly to the post itself.
Guest 2: All I do is I click that button and I click the button, come out something. Now imagine how quick I can be, how quick and how efficient I can be reusing this system.
Kevin Williams: Very.
Guest 2: I will be able to engage 50 people per day in under one hour. You can be efficient. You can get, you can do all your prospecting in a, in one hour every single day with 50 people, and then you move on and get onto your day to serve your client. [00:37:00] That is how you can consistently engage with all of these.
Guest 2: People and over here, it will also show you that how many touch point you have got the whole idea over here is that say, for example, I’m engaging with Kevin, right? And I have already engaged with him 20 different times, but Kevin has yet to look at me or engage back with me. You know what? I’m sorry, Kevin.
Guest 2: I’m going to move on and delete you because I’m not going to waste my time on you anymore. I will say click and delete because the ocean is so big. Just focus on the people that will actually engage that. You will look at your profile because it gives them, it gives you that opportunity to DM, to send email, to build that relationship [00:38:00] that will Have a meeting, and that is how you can consistently never be support from your prospect.
Guest 2: Do it nine to 10 time when they look at your profile, they like your comment, engage with your comments. Send in a DM with the framework that I saw you, and also try to build that relationship that you can have a meeting, right? So if you want to understand exactly how this work, click a documentation.
Guest 2: It will take you directly to the area of all of these segment monitor and nurture in this area and you show you exactly how all of these things. Now, if I were to summarize, sorry, before I go to the summary, any question Kevin, I think this is something that a bit new as well.
Kevin Williams: Yeah, no. Hold on one second.
Kevin Williams: Let me just reclaim hose and then Erica, can you hear my voice? [00:39:00] If you can just unmute your mic.
Guest 3: I can hear you.
Kevin Williams: Okay. Erica, are you on LinkedIn yourself?
Guest 3: I have a LinkedIn account, but I haven’t used it consistently in years.
Kevin Williams: Okay. And what are the, reasons for, not maximizing the platform?
Guest 3: I just haven’t felt, first of all, I’ve, I’m already on Facebook and Instagram and maybe TikTok.
Guest 3: There’s one other, is it Discord? I think it’s called Discord. I just, it’s a little overwhelming, the number of social media accounts I already have. I just didn’t prioritize making it one of them.
Kevin Williams: I’m going to share something with you that’s going to literally blow your mind. I was doing some research and the average annual income [00:40:00] on Facebook and Instagram is 30, 000 per year.
Kevin Williams: So I know for me, Facebook and Instagram is more just Staying relevant, right? But it’s not going to be actually the platform where I would bring in someone who’s going to possibly spend, between 3, 500 to 5, 000. The average annual income on LinkedIn starts at 100, 000 and it goes up. That is where I have spent probably 70 percent of my time per day is there.
Kevin Williams: And I have met people on LinkedIn. Like vice presidents and things of that nature that I would have never met on Facebook I would have never met him on instagram And probably wouldn’t met him on tiktok because that is not where they hang out. They are professionals who they hang out on [00:41:00] linkedin And because this tool is so powerful it gives you the it gives you a level playing field that you can To comment on different people’s, posts that most people are not doing.
Kevin Williams: They’re just hitting what LinkedIn gives them, but I’m actually, having a dialogue with them. And so let me just do a share screen real quick, Eric, and just show you what I’m talking about. Can
Guest 2: I
Kevin Williams: also
Guest 2: just add one thing what you already say? And so say for example, if you click on chat, the direct button.
Guest 2: Into her profile and link is such a beautiful thing because why if you if we can’t be if you can scroll down and then look at what Katie is doing and has done more to their experience section. Scroll a little bit more.
Kevin Williams: Okay. [00:42:00]
Guest 2: Yeah.
Kevin Williams: Okay.
Guest 2: Hey, Patty is basically
Kevin Williams: Let me go hit the back bar. Okay, go ahead.
Guest 2: So Teddy is speaking in code So let’s just say for example Erica if you’re targeting speaking code how good that is. This basically LinkedIn profile of Katie tells you everything that you want to know about her professionally, whether she is your private client or not. You can’t get that on Facebook.
Guest 2: You can’t get that on Instagram. You can definitely get that in TikTok. How beautiful is that? Again, just think about the I heard what you were saying. You’re on so many social media platforms already. Yeah. Adding another one, LinkedIn, into the list is going to overwhelm. Totally get it.
Guest 2: That is also the reason why we also, we only built on LinkedIn and LinkedIn only. [00:43:00] Question that you have to ask yourself is, where exactly are your clients? And how much information can you get about those clients on each of these platforms? And choose one or two. Focus. I would add into what Kevin has already said.
Guest 2: Thank you, Kevin. You can take over.
Kevin Williams: Oh, absolutely. And I didn’t even think about that, Jason. When we look at people’s experience it’s it’s almost them and don’t even know them because they’re giving you everything about them, but I want to use Kathy as an example, because the last time she posted was six minutes ago.
Kevin Williams: So I’m going to click on this post and she says, so excited to make the next round. I’m so appreciative of those who have voted. You can vote daily for free. All right. So I didn’t even have to read it, but I just read it, but I’m going to click on comment and I’m going to use engage AI. Okay. [00:44:00] And if you notice, these are the different tones that I have, but I’m going to ask you a question because most people don’t ask questions on here.
Kevin Williams: It says, great job. How has this experience impact your perspective on supporting breast cancer awareness? Now I go one step further and I tagged the person’s name, question mark, comment, and I’ll move on to the next one. And so people who are on LinkedIn, who are posting, they’re looking for someone to, to say something on their posts.
Kevin Williams: That’s if they were not looking for someone to say something on their posts, they wouldn’t post.
Guest 2: Exactly. That is what I keep saying. We already know about that, right? And it’s when you give them engagement, they will respond to you. And you do that again and again for a number of times.
Guest 2: You build that know and trust [00:45:00] relationship. Send them a DM, send them an email to have a meeting.
Kevin Williams: Now this time I put on networking provoking question. Look, this is it is typing for me.
Kevin Williams: So it says this sounds like an incredible event collaboration and education are so important for making a real impact in our communities. I’m curious, how many networking events do you typically attend per month now I’m going to put Roslyn name in there. So she know that. I have asked a question and I hit comment and I keep going.
Guest 2: I keep going. And may I just suggest that if Rosary is someone that you want to bring in or to partner with at as prospect,
Kevin Williams: okay?
Guest 2: And then click on the default. So you can create multiple list. But basically when you have multiple lists, you choose the list that you want add as prospect.
Kevin Williams: [00:46:00] Okay?
Kevin Williams: Do
Guest 2: I click on Manage? You can click on Manage just to see where she is at. But from now on, every single day, I’m going to monitor and bring back the posts of Rosalind to your NTHAI platform every single day.
Kevin Williams: That’s crazy. And so let me ask you this Jason, how many people can we add to the monitor list?
Guest 2: So for your plan, you can add up to 150 people. So there are different number of people for different plan, but for your plan, which is the pro plan, you can add up to 150 people. That’s a lot. I’m glad that you say it is a lot because it’s a bit of. Business in the B2B industry. We don’t need a thousand or 20,000 people in [00:47:00] my consulting business, I only monitor about 120 people every year.
Guest 2: If I can turn about three of them into a client I’m making $500,000 a year.
Kevin Williams: Yep. And the thing that I like about Engage AI is. I became a affiliate with Jason and I just got a, I got a deposit in PayPal today. What that tells me is that the client is enjoying the engage AI.
Guest 2: I literally just met with Kathy Bookman last week. And I, when I asked her, different Kathy, not the Kathy that you were engaging earlier Kathy Bookman last week.
Guest 2: And when I asked her, how did you find out about me? And then she told me that she heard about it from you. [00:48:00] So thank you.
Kevin Williams: Absolutely. That is what we do when we come across something that can be life changing for a person. This platform has been life changing for me, Jason. I would have never got to almost the 2, 000 followers.
Kevin Williams: Doing the old manual way, right? I would have eventually got there, but why do things manually when we have advancement?
Guest 2: Exactly. Another thing that I probably would add into a different perspective for Erica and Donna is commenting. Not only commenting allows you to engage directly with your target prospect, right? But think of it as a mini billboard. Everyone is telling you to create content. And the way I think about creating content is like, it takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of effort, it takes a lot of energy.
Guest 2: You have to [00:49:00] do that, and that is a big billboard, but with commenting, it’s a small billboard. Not only you are engaging directly with your prospects,
you are
Guest 2: also getting in front of the people within their circle, right? So it’s more than just engaging directly with your prospects, but also you get in front within the circle of your prospects.
Kevin Williams: Wow. Wow. Diana, you have any questions? You see I’m messing with you already.
Guest 4: I see and I just jumped on. Hello, Jason. Hello, Kevin. Long time no see. I had jumped on from my phone and it was too small, Jason, so I couldn’t see you navigating. I could hear you right, but I could not see you navigating. And I was like, no, we got to shift it to the laptop.
Guest 4: So that’s what I had to do. But I don’t have any questions right now. I do need to get my LinkedIn together. It is really not, [00:50:00] I’ve just come back out, Jason. I think Kevin knows probably in October, first of this month. So I’m just now getting back out and creating content and rebranding. And getting things back in order.
Guest 4: So that’s where I am right now on my journey.
Guest 2: Yes. Yes. Yeah. Great to see you. Great to see you. Yeah. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. There are multiple small tutorial and I say, think about commenting and think about the baby steps. I think one of the things that sometimes people try to do is that they want to get everything ready before they start doing anything on LinkedIn.
Guest 2: Okay. But think about it every day, just come in and do five engagement with your target prospect and then change one little thing on your profile based on the tips that is Kevin has shared with you, whether it is your profile image [00:51:00] or your experience section or your about section. One small little thing at a time.
Guest 2: You, in a month your profile will look so different. And also you have already engaged with the five prospects 30 times, all 150 prospects. I think that you will probably a different way to do it.
Guest 4: Thank you for that. I will. I used to try to copy and cheat off of Kevin’s, but I got lost, so I stopped.
Kevin Williams: Any closing comments you want to give Jason before we close out and this has been recorded. I’m going to, once it processes, I’m going to send you all out the recording and also my engage AI link where you can do a free trial for seven days. Exactly.
Guest 2: Yeah. What took two weeks, 14 days.
Guest 2: [00:52:00] Kevin, it’s up to
Kevin Williams: 14 days? It’s up
Guest 2: to 14 days. Yeah. And you can even create a free account without entering your credit card to try everything.
Kevin Williams: Really?
Guest 2: Yes. Yeah. So I’ll be sitting.
Kevin Williams: Wow that’s, I’m it’s obvious that you guys are steady advancing and making it to where, after 14 days, if you don’t get no value outta this thing after 14 days, it’s either, A, you never used it, or B, you never used it
Kevin Williams: because when I was first introduced to it, I like. This is crazy and I just kept going and going and going I’m like I This has to be a part of my life for me to function on linkedin and really harness what I want from linkedin So yeah, this is powerful. But again I am definitely going to send [00:53:00] out the replay I’ll get it to you all before the end of the day and I have my link in there so you can you know do a test run or a test drive for 14 days and really use it like and if you’re not clear on it Just reach out to me and we can do a zoom so I can help you, you know Really customize your tones and stuff like that But i’m telling you this is a game changer that most people don’t know about on linkedin This is a game changer.
Kevin Williams: This is how, let me show this real quick and then we’ll end with this.
Kevin Williams: This is Lynn Aldi, okay? The way I, so you know, it’s obvious I know her, right? The way I connected with Lynn is I used AI to engage on somebody else’s platform who worked for the credit union in Texas. Once I did the engagement on [00:54:00] the front end where you comment, then I went into the back end and just talked about, a little bit about my expertise and how I would love to, contribute to the Credit Union of Texas.
Kevin Williams: The guy gave me Lynn’s information and I, I sent Lynn an email. And the next day we were on the phone long story short I end up doing a workshop for the credit union, texas That would have never happened on facebook. It would have never happened on instagram And it would have never can you stay with tim?
Kevin Williams: Yeah, and it would have never happened on tiktok this is not where these Lynn is the vice president of Community service for the credit union, Texas. They don’t they just they don’t hang out there.
Kevin Williams: So when I tell you there’s there is revenue to be made on this platform. You looking at it. Now, when I went to know that I was gonna be a hard cover photo, but I’m [00:55:00] like, Damn, this is your problem, okay? I was gonna say that! Oh
Guest 4: my God, that’s crazy! That’s crazy! I saw that. I did not see that at first until you just pointed that out.
Guest 4: That is so crazy! Unbelievable. Wow. But you right there with that big smile.
Kevin Williams: Do you know I made a nice Settlement with doing that workshop, but I would have never had that settlement had I not used this Engage AI. Wow. So that’s my story. I’m sticking to it.
Kevin Williams: I’m sticking to it. So let me let me do the, stop the recording and,